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The Onslow County Learning Center goals for the 2023-2024 school year were geared towards equipping the students with the necessary curriculum and skills to have a smooth transition back into the regular educational setting.  In addition, OCLC strongly focuses on promoting acceptable behavior traits, strengthening academics, and building positive character to enable and support their success during their educational career and throughout their lives.

During the 2023-2024 school year, OCLC reached an average daily enrollment of 82 students.  Over the course of the school year, the Onslow County Learning Center had a total enrollment of 134 students.  Of those 134 students, 80% were male and 20% were female.  Last year’s middle school enrollment was 35% and high school enrollment was 65%.  The highest percentage of students was 9th grade making up 28% of the overall student population.  The racial background of students assigned to OCLC on average included: 41% of the students were African American, 20% were Hispanic, .01% were Asian, .01% were Middle Eastern, 18% were Multi-racial, and 33% were Caucasian. Additionally, last year 48% of the students were identified as EC, and 2% were AIG., leaving 50% of the student population as regular education students. During the 2023-2024 school year the number of students qualifying for free or reduced lunch was at 83% of the student population.   

The Onslow County Learning Center employed one full time security guard, two full time resource officers, one full time social worker, one full time school counselor, three EC teachers, three EC teacher assistants, one student monitor, three regular teacher assistants, 1 1/2 CTE teachers, one art teacher, nine regular educational classroom teachers (one served as Assistant Director). In addition, there were seven support staff members; one secretary/treasurer, and two custodians. Staff members included nine males and twenty females.