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Eagle's Nest Farm

Here at OCLC we have launched a one-of-a kind fully immersive Career Technical Educational (CTE) Agriculture program. We have used research and data analysis that has elevated students into leadership roles in college and careers and resulted in additional internship and career opportunities. We will continue to innovate the curriculum to help students master key life and industry goals into career opportunities. I have led hands on best practices meetings during professional development time at various schools such as Northside High School and Onslow County Learning Center. We would like to thank our community involvement which has provided so much support, from hay bales, fertile chicken eggs, coops, rabbit cages, sheep and plant with soil. Our farm “Eagles Nest” from Onslow County Learning Center has risen from its slumber to becoming one of the most immersive experiences for students. Our successful program as provided food and even animals for families to take home from the farm that the students help create and care for.

Agricultural Irrigation